PISTC is committed to provide a world class safety training standard in upstream and downstream Oil and Gas Industry.
To this end, we will make sure that all training provided in our center are in-line with the national and international standards.
OPITO is a not for profit industry owned organisation, which works with employers and employee groups to set and monitor training and competence standards for the global offshore oil & gas Industry.
OPITO works in partnership with approved training providers to ensure that the delivery of key safety and emergency training meets the required industry standards
OPITO maintains a database of personnel training details which can be accessed world wide by employers
OPITO training and certification is recognised in the majority of regions where the oil & gas industry operates, helping avoid duplicate training
OPITO works in partnership with employers to develop & approve systems designed to prove the competence of their workforce.
The Department of Labour and Welfare of Thailand (Royal Thai Ministry of Labour) has been continually improved with thorough extension of work load. When the national economic and social development plan No. 1 (1961-1966) was implemented, Labour Division as the agency performing the labour administration was upgraded to be Labour Part in 1962 and to be Department of Labour under the Ministry of Interior in 1965. Its functions were to perform labour administration, labour protection, labour relations, skill development, employment services and management of the Workmen’s Compensation Fund.
Safety is the number one priority for companies in the wind power industry. Global Wind Organisation is a non-profit organisation founded by leading wind turbine manufacturers and operators in 2012, to create a safer and more productive workplace.
The aim of GWO is to strive for an injury free work environment in the wind turbine industry. We do this through cooperation amongst our membership and by setting common standards for safety training and emergency procedures.
MEDIC FIRST AID training programs are recognized, accepted and approved by, or meet the requirements of, nearly 1,800 state and provincial regulatory agencies, occupational licensing boards, national associations, commissions and councils in more than 120 occupations and professions.
*MEDIC FIRST AID is a registered trademark of MEDIC FIRST AID International, Inc.
MEDIC FIRST AID is now known as HSI First Aid.
IRATA is an acronym for the Industrial Rope Access Trade Association, that was formed in the UK in the late 1980’s, to solve maintenance challenges in the offshore oil and gas industry. Its formation was the result of an initiative of a number of leading companies, who had begun to use industrial rope access techniques, to provide a safe working environment for the industry.
IRATA is now recognised as the world’s leading authority on industrial rope access. It has over 400 member companies around the world and has trained in excess of 100,000 rope access Technicians worldwide. IRATA directs and regulates, through its members, the training of all workers seeking its qualifications. These member companies provide training, operational services, or both.
ISO 9001:2015 sets out the criteria for a quality management system and is the only standard in the family that can be certified to (although this is not a requirement). It can be used by any organization, large or small, regardless of its field of activity. In fact, there are over one million companies and organizations in over 170 countries certified to ISO 9001.
This standard is based on a number of quality management principles including a strong customer focus, the motivation and implication of top management, the process approach and continual improvement. Using ISO 9001:2015 helps ensure that customers get consistent, good quality products and services, which in turn brings many business benefits.
Providing First-class service for more that 69 years, the Liberian Registry is the world’s largest quality registry, renowned for excellence, efficiency, safety and innovative service.
The Liberian Registry is comprised of 4,170+ vessels aggregating more than 150 million gross tons, representing 12 percent of the world’s ocean going fleet. Liberia has earned international respect for its dedication to flagging the world’s safest and most secure vessels. The Liberian Registry is recognized at the top of every industry “white-list” including the International Maritime Organization and the major Port State Control authorities such as the U.S. Coast Guard as well as the Paris and Tokyo MOU regimes